The Loophole Shake

If you’re looking to eat cleaner, healthier & more nutritiously…but aren’t interested in bland food, spending more money or more time learning how to cook anything… rest easy, a loophole has been discovered.

Mix in a blender

1 scoop of ‘Chocolate Raw Meal with Greens’ powder.
1 - 2 cups of ice
1 - 2 cups of Chocolate almond milk 
1 - 2 bananas
1 - 2 tablespoons of cacao powder
1 - 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, or just some nuts

Try 1 cup / scoop of each at first, and adjust for taste as you go. The peanut butter adds extra sugar and calories, making the change in diet easier. Be sure to try it without peanut butter or with less as well, and to eat ample calories, ideally being a mix of whole foods.  

As always, zoom in & out as needed.

“Make your stomach your best friend”