“The Reason”, Suffering, Mental Illness & The Actuality Of Perfection.

Why is there suffering? What is the real reason?

Weird as it may initially sound, there isn’t a reason. At least, not thought wise. Thoughts can ‘point’ to this ‘reason’, but there isn’t a thought which is the reason. 

As ‘pointing’ goes; what appears to forget, forgets by appearing. 

The belief / misidentification is that there are people, and you’re a person. The truth is these are apparent thoughts, not finite things. 

Hence meditation, emptying ‘the cup’. As the activity of thinking / thoughts settles, Being remains, without any obscuring beliefs. 

Thought implies there are separate finite things, and therein cyclic things. 

Thought implies this about perception & sensation. 

Feeling is appearing as sensation, perception & thoughts. 

The thoughts ‘implying’ are apparent, appearance, and not separate finite things. 

Thought implies there is a separate finite thing called a person. What’s overlooked is that that is, a thought, and that the thought appeared, and there is no ‘reason’. Every ‘reason’ is, another presently appearing thought. 


What about someone who finds everything to be depressing & nothing feels pleasant to him? What about addiction, and the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction?

‘Find every thing depressing’ is the believing of thoughts, that there are things, and that there is someone finding every thing - depressing. It’s the thought which feels off, because the thought isn’t true. The thought about there being separate selves and things feels off to that which is aware and does not know there are separate selves or things, because there aren’t. 

The illusion is; “I’m here”, “I know”. The illusion is that of believing thoughts.

Likewise the thought “nothing feels pleasant to him” is the assumption there are things and a him (a separate self), and none of these things, feel pleasant, to him. The thought feels off to feeling because feeling is aware and there is no “him”. The thought, ‘the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction’ is again the assumption there is a he, which is separate of feeling, and there is ‘some thing’ called ‘the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction’. The belief can be dispelled, but not solved, because it’s a belief (not an actual problem). Feeling is not a thing.

Suffering (discord) doesn’t have a cause… such as ‘in a past’… but is descriptive of how an appearing thought feels, now. Thoughts can be about other-than-now, even though there is not other than now. Thought is creator-creating-creation. (Perfection). 

You’re being way to radical implying saying mental illness doesn’t exist! If mental illness doesn’t exist, then what are doctors all over the planet curing!

The body, doctor, doctor’s office and world are one indivisible whole. There isn’t “this other thing” being cured. There may be the thought that there is, and that thought might be believed. 

You’re being way to” is deflection & projection.

An emotion is felt. The very reasonless discord & guidance talked about. But the thought arises, ‘you’re…’ and the message isn’t heard. 

 The “cyclic” aspect of thought is the addition of ‘the separate self’ of thoughts. As in, “this is projection”… is changed in terms of interpretation, to “he’s saying I’m projecting”. The ‘cyclic thought activity’ is like planes circling an airport, of runaways, of emotions.

The end of projection is the acknowledgment of the emotion felt. 

The acknowledgment of the emotion felt is the end of projection. 

This is where the analogy ends, as these ‘planes’ (thoughts) which land on landing strips (emotions) don’t take off again, and if they do, they don’t make it very far for being seen for what they are & aren’t.

So to speak, perhaps a worthwhile question is… why do doctors believe thoughts as labels & prescribe medication, rather than talking about discord, emotional guidance, alignment & truth. 

Deflection & projection happen very quickly as it were. Light “speed”.

Either it’s very tricky, or, felt

If it seems like there is someone here being singled out, at fault or blamed for deflection & projection… then it’s tricky indeed, as blame is an emotion (felt). Emotion is intrinsic guidance.

It seems most often discord & alignment are felt & clear in hindsight

In taking pause, discord & alignment are felt actually, which is to say, presently. Foresight ensues. 

The wildest craziest most radical possibility of all possibilities is actually the truth; what’s being said about the spheres, and Creator-Creating-Creation therein, is actually true.

One (being) appears as two (spheres)

What appears to forget, forgets by appearing.