Emotional Bypassing Is A Sign Of Intelligence.


Bypassing thoughts of limitation and separation, the expression and allowance of joy, appreciation & empowerment is the unlocking or self-inherent boundless potential, fostering a profound realizations of the truth & beauty of self, as well as the abundance and profundity of the miracle of being. 



By bypassing thoughts of hesitation, uncertainty & second guessing, the allowance and expression of passion inspires and propels never before experienced ideas & actions aligned with the reality of creator-ship infusing every moment and endeavor with the pure energy of being.



Bypassing separate self referential concepts of hesitance, reservation & intimidation, the allowance of enthusiasm, eagerness and happiness is a renewed welcoming & open-hearted engagement with present moment experience which reveals new possibilities as new adventures ensue, inherently infusing the body-mind with excitement, anticipation and the simple pleasure of having fun. 


Positive Expectation/Belief:

By bypassing cynicism, the allowance of the expression of positive expectations and beliefs pave the way for the realization of desired outcomes and opportunities,



Bypassing the ostensible mental action of presumption, the expression of optimism effortlessly aligns thought with the inherent goodness of being which allows the potential for manifestation of preferences and positive change strengthening momentum & allowing solutions in moments of adversity. 



By bypassing false assumptions & conclusions, the expression of hopefulness fuels the courage, bravery, intrinsic curiosity and resilience, unfettering infinite possibilities and boundless potential.



By bypassing self referential thought patterns of loathing & cravings, the allowance of contentment reveals the truth of peace and inherent fulfillment, allowing the beauty of being to shine, the otherwise ordinary to be seen clearly as extraordinary and the mundane remarkable as being basks in the inherent abundance of the present moment.



Bypassing self referential concepts of bored & judgmental thoughts of boring, the expression of boredom dispels beliefs of stagnation, stuckness, shortage, lack, inability & assertion and revitalizes curiosity, wonder & exploration paving the way for new invigorating ideas & experiences by naturally allowing creativity and the manifestation of preferences to be.



By bypassing concepts of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness & depression, the allowance of the expression of pessimism prompts introspection and a reevaluation of beliefs, leading to renewed optimism & alignment, resulting insights, solution orientation, and unveils the reality of all being anew in this moment.



By bypassing thoughts of time, judgement, urgency and complacency, the expression of the emotions frustration, irritation and impatience relieve the body-mind of discord allowing constructive proactive steps in the orientation of resolution, and un-restrains self-discovery, the truth of of the timelessness of being, and the true eternal nature of formlessness. 



Bypassing patterns of thought of a separate self in time, the acknowledgement and expression of overwhelment highlights how truly invaluable self-care and mindfulness are as reflections of inherent inner peace and balance.



By bypassing expectations and false conclusions, the allowance of the expression of disappointment stimulates resilience and broadens openness & open-mindedness allowing to new solutions & opportunities. 



By bypassing circular logic / uncertainty, the expression of the emotion doubt prompts a journey of exploration and self-discovery with respect to the unmistakably felt dissonance, fostering confidence and clarity, unveiling self-assurance and empowerment.



Bypassing fortune telling & mind reading, the expression and release of worry prompts proactive planning, insights, ease of mindfulness & peace of mind and unfetters happiness. 



Bypassing judgements, the expression of blame relieves consciousness of distorted interpretations of separation, which un-hinders and un-restricts creativity, clarity, potential, empathy, compassion and appreciation.



Bypassing defeatism, the expression of discouragement fuels determination and resilience in the manifestation of goals, leading to achievement & success.



By bypassing tension, hostility & dis-ease, the expression of anger unfetters assertiveness & clarity, as well as fostering patience, kindness and improved communication. 



Bypassing actions & behaviors of vengeance via the expression of revenge tension empties, unfettering sincere heartfelt forgiveness making healing, harmony and reconciliation possible which inherently promotes peace and freedom.



By bypassing animosity, resentment & hostility, the expression & inherent release of hatred / rage allows for and inspires empathy and compassion, harmony and connection.



By bypassing the suppression of preferences and employment of deflection & projection, the expression of jealousy prompts self-reflection, unfettering self-assurance and naturally occurring appreciation.



Bypassing disparaging self referential thoughts with the expression of insecurity, guilt and or unworthiness relieves the body-mind of unnecessary tension & dissonance is self-love as it’s an allowing of self-inherent self-awareness, self-compassion, self-worth and empowerment to be unfettered and arise.



Bypassing all other emotions and beginning with the expression of fear, grief, despair and or powerlessness in the acknowledgment that there is that which some thoughts & interpretations do not resonate with and this is evidentiary that there is a true nature of being.