Transmuting Old Discordant Interpretations; Conditioning Comes Up & Out

The sacrifice, the price of admission of your creating, is forgetting.

In short, the forgetting of your infinitude & true unconditionality.

More so, the continued overlooking of your true nature.

Ostensibly born into a world of forgetters; is an experience of conditioning.

The evidence is all around you, it is everywhere. It is the substances offered to you, inviting you to join in the suppression. It is the short term gratification & lethargy of fast food on every corner. It is the mass diagnosis and unending selling of products to each other to suppress the suppression more deeply. It is the competition to offer the most peak experiences, accompanied by collective valuation demanding the highest ticket prices. It is the deflection, projection and turmoil of all relationships. It is global warming. It is cancer. It is war. There is no shortage of the evidence of imbalance in just how far we’ve strayed from the truth.

Yet, there is no lack of guidance. There is not, and never has been, an actual lack of happiness. It is the nature & essence of our very being.

There is merely a perpetuating of the overlooking of happiness, as collectively the world teaches each newborn that happiness follows the fulfilling & satisfying of desires; and intrinsically, without saying a word about it - that suppression of all to the contrary is paramount.

If you want to see the truth, to see reality as it truly is, to liberate of the illusion of ignorance and the suffering therein - thinking like the herd simply will not do.

You must question how you feel and what that inner compass has to say about this. You must place well-being above all. That is to say, you must get your house in order. You must place that which Is first - first.

Just as happiness is prior to arising desires; the true nature is prior to creation. It is therein that the forgotten truth of yourself remains hidden, obscured by the conditioned activity of thought, ‘held’ in place by a reluctance to truly and fully allow the discord of this conditioning to be fully felt, and to therein ‘come up and out’; to empty. For this would draw upon your bravery and courage like nothing else, like nothing you could ever imagine.

But when you do allow the eyes to open and the body to empty, oh but when you do allow - a great lion does indeed roar.

The mountains are seen rightfully as molehills.

Confusion simply begins to vanish as alignment, inspiration & insight become the effortless order of every day; above all material things - more so & rightfully recognized to be; prior to.

The heavy burden of emotional discord, like a backpack full of rocks, is put down.

In the releasing of discordant emotion; unfettered clarity illuminates perspective. What once seemed difficult, daunting, overwhelming and even impossible is put into proper perspective; one step at a time.

In this alignment, this communion, and with one enjoyable step at a time - all is revealed to be possible and indeed the true joy of presence, that of the here now, that of direct experience & truth, that of the actuality of the journey being the point in & of itself - Creation itself - is naturally revealed and reveled in.

To release suppressed emotion and interpretations therein is to be born again. Made anew. Reenergized. Renewed. Emptying begets a filling up; of vitality, enthusiasm and vigor… of the fruits of authenticity.

Expression is infused with clarity as the creativity and potential of your being is unleashed. Emotional freedom is realized and you are as a bird which has fled it’s cage by the putting down of the weight of it. You float, you fly, you flow. You are as you always were; bigger-than, and no longer held back or fettered with resistance.

No matter the challenge, in no longer feeding narratives justifying of impulsivity & reactivity - in these collective perspectives no longer having a hold on you and truly & inevitably no longer even arising at all - presence and communion beget an endlessly joyful dance in the synchronicity of the universe, and naturally arising courage is revealed, always having been the effortless & aligned way.

When discordant interpretations of old arise; remain as the openness & spaciousness, the loving formless presence you truly are.

What’s seen & undeniably, viscerally and directly experienced - is that discordant emotion is a phenomenon which like all else; comes & goes - while you remain.

As you allow, the discord lessons more & more, and you are empowered by truth more & more. Insights arise, more & more.

The discordant interpretations of old are dispelled not by any doing, nor obtaining or achieving, and certainly not by what is being said here - but by the light of your being. By nothing more than breathing, relaxing and remaining - as you are.