Satanism, Christianity & Reality.

Ism means theory or doctrine.

Satanism would then be the theory or doctrine that there is, Satan.

The doctrine that there is Satan is, Christianity.

In accordance with Christianity, Satan is a fallen angel.

Fallen means subject to sin or depravity.

Sin means an immoral act, and depravity means moral corruption. 

Moral means concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

The one concerned with principles of right & wrong and good & bad would be the “knower” (who ate from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil), which “knows” that there is - good & evil. 

This is a (separate) self referential belief loop.

A belief loop is two thoughts believed, repeating.

“I’m the knower”, and, “there is good & evil”.

Belief loops are like airplanes circling an airport. 

Emotions are like landing trips for beliefs. 

An emotion felt & acknowledged as how an interpretation feels, is not an action or behavior - it’s an acknowledgement. 

An emotion felt, yet not unacknowledged as how an interpretations feels, is an action or behavior.

Want to change actions & behaviors?

Acknowledge emotions. Allow the spiritual & religious planes to land in reality.