Perfection: The ‘System’ Is Destined To Fail

Thoughts aren’t about that which is aware of thoughts. The word for the belief to the contrary is egocentrism. The ‘self’ or ‘ego’ thoughts are about is never the awareness - of the thoughts. ‘It’ is as fictitious as a unicorn.

Apparent finite thoughts don’t ‘fit’ that which is appearing as thoughts, and this is felt by that which is appearing as thoughts.

Unconditional is appearing as conditions.

Some thoughts feel discordant, some thoughts feel aligned, no thought defines that which is aware of & appearing as thoughts.

So to speak, the body knows this by not believing, by not pretending to know anything at all. Thus the body, or, Not Knowing, contracts in response to discordant thoughts, which arise from the believing in ‘knowing’. Knowing is never seen, knowing is the thought, ‘knowing’.

The contraction is often referred to as stress or tension. The thoughts; stress, tension and contraction… are labels which ‘cover up’ the very discord directly felt.

How so?

With the addition of thoughts about a self; my stress, my tension, I’m contracting, the contraction is felt in my body - this is about me. A false claiming seems to be added via the believing of thoughts, while the alleged claimer or claimant is never actually present.

Even now as these words are read this occurs. It is believed there is some meaning or insight here for you. Some wisdom or clarification. All this is evidence for, is awareness overlooking that awareness is already aware, and is aware that it is aware, and is already feeling thoughts. Nothing new is being said here, this is simply what is already the case.

The ‘system’ is not a thing, but refers to the activity of thoughts, or most simply put - thoughts. Subject-object thoughts. Self referential thoughts. Claiming thoughts.

There is no thinker of thoughts.

There is no one who fails.

The ‘system’ is destined to fail as thought is apparent and appears in only one ‘flavor’; duality.

Nonduality simply means not two. As the term nonduality doesn’t imply what is, but only what is not, the term nonduality is meaningless.

You will never know what nonduality means.

The you of thoughts, the ‘knower’, is the ‘second self’ which the pointing term nonduality ‘suggests’ - isn’t.

How exactly is this perfection?

The Creator creates by being; Creator-Creating-Creation.

Not by thinking or doing. Thinking & doing can not lead to that which is not thinking or doing. Thinking & doing are the very thoughts which are the obscuring of, that which never thinks and never does but simply appears. Thinking & doing are the very thoughts which obscure what the assumed thinker & doer is seeking & longing for.

My thoughts. My thinking. I did that. I’ll do that.

Awareness is not aware of ‘who’ those thoughts are about. Awareness is aware of the thoughts, and is feeling the discord or alignment therein.

Preferences arise as naturally & effortlessly as the heart beats, the body breathes and these hands type. Thought is not an exception to the effortlessness of being.

Awareness be’s perception, and be’s the thoughts such as; body & tree. The thought arises: chair. A chair is therein created by no one.

The beauty of this is sheer perfection. The perfection of this is sheer beauty.

The failure of the ‘system’ is liberation from the system.

The ‘system’, thought, is dualistic.

Liberation is therein already the case; as the system is only apparent.