Direct Experience, Learning & The “Unknown”.

If there’s no actual experience of knowing or understanding, then what’s with the challenging aspects of learning… and the rewarding feeling what ‘it clicks’? 

Doesn’t this mean you didn’t know something, and you learned it, and now you know it?


In accordance with direct experience:


There is the thought that there is a you, and an unknown. 


‘The you’ is not however, anywhere to be found in direct experience.

The direct experience is of the thought. 


The true self is what is thought or believed to be, ‘the unknown’.


Therefore the direct experience of a thought about material to be learned is that the material is - unknown - and thus - not me. 


The underlying assumption is that you are or would be - knowable.

This would require a second self, which knows or could know, the first self.

Clearly there are not two of you.

The rewarding feeling of ‘it clicking’ is like a little closing of an assumed gap.


The great (rewarding) feeling is, yourself.

The feeling is of the closing of the assumed - ‘gap’. 

The experience of learning is as is all ‘other’ experience - apparent.
